Contact Us
M – F : 10 am – 5pm By Appointment
Suite 707, Level 7, 275 Alfred St North, North Sydney NSW 2060
Suite 2B, Level 1, 115 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063
Making an appointment
Please feel free to contact us by phone or email:
Phone: 1800 768 411
article and media requests
Please feel free to contact Emma-Jane to discuss:
Got another enquiry? Send us a message!
Improve your mental health & well-being by making an appointment with our experienced clinical psychologists.
Suite 707, Level 7, 275 Alfred St North,
North Sydney NSW
Suite 2B, Level 1, 115 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW
1800 768 411
OPEN Hours
M - F : 10 am - 5pm
By Appointment
Please note:
This website and the services that we provide are not a crisis service. Although we aim to see people within a week of their first contact, if you need immediate urgent assistance please call Lifeline (ph. 131 114) or contact your local hospital or community mental health centre